Blue Man Group

As I mentioned in my previous post, Mark and I went up to SLC to see the Blue Man Group last night. I've seen their Las Vegas show once before, and LOVED it. This one was definitely just as fun. They are such an entertaining group to watch, and to be honest, their music is SO fun to listen to! It just makes you want to shake it. They also try to get the audience involved as much as possible. There wasn't as much audience participation in this show as in Vegas, I am sure due mostly to the vast difference in Venue size. But nonetheless, the audience participation was great. I mean, who can resist being asked to "raise the roof" and jump up and down?
One cool aspect about this show in particular is some of the songs feature vocalists. Their featured artist was Tracy Bonham (she also opened they show). I hadn't heard much of her music, and I must say I really enjoyed her voice and style.
If you have never heard of/been to a Blue Man Group show, I would highly recommend it should the opportunity arise. They definitely keep you entertained, incorporate a lot of humor into their show, and just have great, cool music. Really, they have some creative instrumentation - aside from the "main" unique instrumentation by PVC pipes, they also play a piano by directly pounding on the strings with a giant mallet, have these cool "swishy stick" things (I don't really know what they are called, they just make a neat swish sound through the air), and lots of percussion and guitar.
It was awesome.