Monday, October 30, 2006

Stupid Re-Caps

I was doing so well for a while there. But alas, I feel the need to do a bit of catching up, as much for my sake as anyone else's. I apologize if this is boring.

  • My work just moved out of our office, and into our warehouse facility (which also has a few offices). It will be a good move in the meantime, a little more cramped, but it will be good for now until we can afford to get a bigger place. However, there are a few drawbacks. 1) It smells like serious NASTY here. I can't even explain it, and some days are worse than others. It honestly smells like poo. We think it comes from the storm drain in the warehouse itself, so as long as we keep that well flushed it's not so bad. But again, some days are definitely bad. 2) I am the only person downstairs. Seriously, it's almost like "no girls allowed" is posted on the door upstairs (seeing as that I am the only female). Really, that part doesn't bother me, I just give my co-workers a hard time about the male/female separation, but it does get kinda quiet and lonely down here. Thank goodness for iTunes! Other than that, it's actually a pretty good arrangement here for the time being.
  • Mark recently went on a business trip to Hawaii for a few days. Is anyone else jealous of that?? Granted, he WAS cooped up in a training room most of the time, but still. I would love to go to Hawaii again - I went when I was a younger teenager with my parents and sister, and it was amazing. Mark and I hope to go there in a few years.
  • Jessie and I are still persevering with going to the gym in the mornings. I am quite proud of us. This morning, we even tried the Spinning (cycling) class. Oh man, it was rough. Probably the hardest I have ever worked out, and my butt HURT really bad on that seat. We're going to give it another shot Wednesday, so wish us luck.
  • Along the workout thing, you would think that being so diligent with working out, plus earnestly trying to watch what I eat better, would have good results. But have I lost any weight? No. None. Nada. It's VERY frustrating. Granted, I'm not a "perfect" eater, but I definitely am watching portions, making better choices for the most part, etc. - a change from my "old" ways for sure. I really need to start seeing results soon.
  • Including the past couple of days, this is shaping up to be a fun week. On Saturday, we took Jessie and Timm to the Pizza Factory and to see The Prestige, which was a very fun time. For those of you who haven't heard of it, or haven't seen it, I definitely recommend seeing The Prestige at some point, even as a rental. Very cool movie. Yesterday, we went up to Ogden for my cousin Tyler's mission farewell. He's going to Hamburg, Germany. It was so fun to see some family I hadn't seen in some cases, years. One thing that never fails to freak me out a little bit is seeing my Grandma's twin. My Grandma died when I was a Senior in H.S., and she has an identical twin who lives up in Ogden, my great aunt Irene. When I first glanced past her at the farewell, my heart literally stopped for a second because I thought it was my Grandma. Always a little freaky. For the rest of the week, Mark and I are going to see Blue Man Group tonight at the Delta Center, tomorrow is Halloween, and Friday night I am going to see Pet Shop Boys with my cousin at the E Center. Two Concerts and Halloween within 5 days sounds like a lot of fun.
Though I know there is more I should probably write about, I can't think of anything else right now. Which is why I shouldn't fall behind on my blogging - if nothing else, so I can keep track of what's going on. I hope everyone has a fantastic Halloween tomorrow!!

Now Playing: Only When I Lose Myself - Depeche Mode


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Jill said...

It sounds like you're tripping the life fantastic this week, except for the random poo smell at work. I would not be keen on that at all.

You really must document your work space. I'm picturing you in a stinky dimly lit warehouse all by yourself, that doesn't sound very cheery. Have you made your desk your own? Any Dwight Shrute bobble heads in sight?

Have a great week with all your fun activities, and thanks for the great book mark, I'm using it a lot this week with my frantic attempt to finish The Kite Runner.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger michelle said...

Jessie told me about the spinning class, it sounds pretty hard core. You guys are inspiring. I know how you feel about really wanting to see some results from working out. I have to think it must be some muscle build-up accounting for the non-weight loss. I hope!

I can't wait to see The Prestige. It looks so good!

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Diana said...

I told Jessie that I went to the spinning class and it took a week to not be sore. But I did it shortly after Josh was born so maybe my body was still in a baby state. HOpefully you won't be as sore as long. I think you're awesome for getting up so early every day to go.. you will see the results!


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