- My work is currently acquiring another company, which, hopefully when it is all a finished deal, will be a huge boost to our Representative base. It also means that things around the office are getting increasingly crazy, so that should be fun to look forward to.
- Book Club was on Wednesday, and it was so much fun! I felt like I hadn't been in forever, and I remembered that I had to miss April's, which definitely added to that feeling of "forever-ness." It was at my place, so I was in charge of dinner as well. For those of you who don't know this about me, I am incredibly domestically UNinclined. It is something I am rather embarrassed about, and I really do want to be better. I just get really frustrated. So cooking a meal for all of my wonderful, extremely talented Book Club friends was I'll admit, pretty intimidating for me. The hardest part for me is timing, and when Jessie and Hannah showed up, I was uh, fairly frazzled because the timing wasn't going well. Thankfully, they were both willing to help me out, which I really appreciated (: It was so much fun seeing the girls again, and having a good chat, and talk about the book. Afterwards, we hooked up DDR for a while because Rachelle had never seen it. It's always fun to play DDR.
That is all my brain is recollecting for now. See, another reason I need to blog on a regular basis - I record things before they are lost to the labryinth in my head. Yesterday, Mark and I went to a few more Parade of Homes homes. "House #18" was absolutely GORGEOUS. Mark and I both fell in love with it, and rue the fact that such a house is only in our dreams. Afterwards, we drove up to Hannah and Linc's house for Game night. It was just myself, Mark, Timm, and Linc as Jessie was busy with Bella birthday preparations, and Hannah unfortunately had to work. But it was fun nonetheless, and I got to play a lot of DDR. They recently got DDRMAX2, and I really liked that mix a lot. Mark and I want to get it. We stayed there until around 11, then headed home for our living room "campout." Do not be deceived by Mark's sleepy appearance in the picture - we had only just begun when I took the picture. Mark played Kingdom Hearts 2 for a little while, until he got frustrated with it. We then watched a few episodes of the simpsons, and fell asleep. I love when we have these little campouts - it's a simple, fun way to do something out of the ordinary together (:
Ok, I've probably bored you all to tears with this everyday minutiae post. Hopefully I will be better about blogging this upcoming week.
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Love the recap and the campout! Linc and I still do that with blankets on occassion- just a fun little night. Hopefully I will see you at Bella's party!
Oh... that looks fun! I want to have a campout! You guys are lucky in the sense that you don't have a child to wake you up early on Saturday morning so you can stay up late and sleep in. I'm going to have to try that, and talk Timm into it. You guys are cute :)
and dinner was GREAT! You would never know you were 'domestically UNinclined.'
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