Mark and I got back from Steamboat Springs, CO this afternoon. I have to say, it was tough to leave. My family has had a condo up there longer than I have been around, and I have so many memories of this place. It's basically like another home to me. Mark and I went there for our honeymoon, and he loves it up there as well. The weekend went by SO fast, but it was such a great time. We had so much fun! Here are a few pics.

This is the view from the condo's balcony. It's
gorgeous. It really is in such a great location - my dad knew what he was doing when he bought it ;) It's right on the ski mountain.

Mmmm....the delicious Ore House restaurant. Steamboat has some unbelievably good places to eat. The Ore House is always a must visit. They have this house potato that is SO GOOD. Great way to get our trip off to a delicious start!

Mark's allergies were really bugging him up in the mountains, so here is a delightful pic of him with a Claritin redi-tab. It definitely helped him out.

A picture of me on a bridge next to the Creekside Cafe, where we had breakfast Saturday morning. I had forgotten my make-up when I packed, and I am showing some serious gums in this picture. So don't mind the scariness.

Mark and I went golfing. It was my first time, and I was uh, pretty bad. Though I did get better as I went, and it was actually way fun. This little guy is a marmot - they were
all over the course, seriously. But they were way cute. I was nervous I was going to hit one of them with an errant golf ball.

Cugino's. One of my favorite parts of Steamboat. It's that good. We ordered delivery, and enjoyed it from "home."

Mark and I played tennis for a bit this morning. We have a great pool and tennis court by our condo, so we took a few swims and "played a round" of tennis throughout the weekend. Really, we just tried to hit the ball back and forth to each other without it going over the fence. We had 1 casualty.

Our "goodbye" picture. We took one of these on our honeymoon too, and thought we ought to make it a little tradition.
So there you have it! I can't emphasize it enough - it was a fantastic weekend. I think we both needed a little break away from the daily grind. My only regret is it wasn't a day or two longer. ;) Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!