Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tidbits from the past little while

One of the unfortunate things in not blogging things as they come, is that I forget a lot of the "little" things going on, and thus, have lost them to poor memory for forever. Or until something sparks a vague memory.

Here, in no particular order, are my thoughts at the moment. Some random pics to come in a following post.

  • My niece Brielle was blessed on July 8th. She is such a beautiful baby.
  • Mark and I's temple recommends expired. In like, June. And we still haven't gotten them renewed. I told Mark we had to remember to call today to make appts., but of course, I didn't remember, and he was crashed on the couch most of the evening after dinner. One of the most frustrating things about myself is that I am all about "good intentions," but I have such a hard time realizing them. I am so spacy when it comes to things like that, and it's very frustrating to me.
  • Along those lines, I have been in a funk for the past little while. Just feeling generally down on things, and on myself. I don't know what particularly sparked it, and what all is contributing to it. But it's been frustrating, and I really want to shake it. I hate how "the funks" affect me in so many subtle ways. Like, just the kind of thoughts I have throughout the day, or the attitude I take towards things.
  • Mark was out of town last weekend. He went to CO to visit his friends. The house definitely felt lonely without him. Luckily, I was able to keep busy, and keep in good company most of the time. (:
  • My sister also came into town that same weekend, to stay a few days. Chrissy is always fun to have around. She's a dweeb. ;)
  • I re-signed up at 24 Hour Fitness. Jessie and I have a goal to go together in the mornings at least a few times a week. I really hope I keep up my end of the bargain! I dragged my butt out of bed this morning, and went by myself (we haven't officially started going together yet, as we both have had lots of stuff going on this week). I was surprised at how refreshing it was. I really hope I can stay consistent with this. Part of "the funks" has been body image/weight related. I don't feel a need to be stick thin, but I want to be in good shape, and for sure lose a few pounds. So here's to hoping I establish a good habit.
  • Money disappears entirely too quickly.
Alright, I think that is all for this post right now. Time for a few pictures, then off to bed so I can wake up early!!

Now Playing: Pretty(Ugly Before) - Elliot Smith


At 12:10 AM, Blogger michelle said...

I can relate to many of these things. I tend to get busy and not notice things like my recommend expiring. So dumb. I guess that shows that I don't get to the temple often enough, eh? or I'd be more on top of it...

I hate being in a funk. I hope you can stick with going to the gym. I know that whenever I have done that regularly, I have felt great. Here's to good habits!

And, yes, money does disappear entirely too quickly. Blah.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry the funk still remains and I hope going to the gym helps as exercise always seems to brighten my moods.

Money does go away too fast...ugh

At 1:27 AM, Blogger Jill said...

I'm sorry you've been in a funk, hopefully your new resolve to go to the gym more will help lift your spirits and make you feel better about yourself. I think we're very hard on ourselves as women and tend to internalize everything rather than just going with the daily ups and downs. I hope your funk ends soon.


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