Monday, April 17, 2006

Quick update

So quick I don't even have a picture.

These past few days have been crazy. Amazing how the last few days of class totally bust your energy. So many assignments/tests culminating within the same time period.

In other news, for the first time in my BYU career, a test was cancelled in one of my classes, due to technical difficulties. It is a listening test for my World Music Cultures class, and all of the computers/media stations were having issues. We even tried changing classrooms. It was pretty sweet - I so didn't feel well prepared for this exam. Though I did feel kind of bad for the Prof. - he seemed frustrated, more because he felt bad for us having put time into getting ready for the test. But really, I don't think any students minded.

I also got a parking ticket today. Amazing how for 3 days, I drove Mark's car to school (which has no parking pass of any BYU kind), and parked it - sometimes for 4+ hours in the student lots - without getting a ticket (which I do know they ticket in the student lots). Yet today, at 5PM as it is blizzarding outside and I am trying to get to my choir rehearsal, I decide to park in an employee lot close to the building (lots which generally open up to whoever at 6 or 7), rather than parking 10-15 minutes away in a student lot in the blowing snow and cold, and also which would cause me to be late. They even had to go to the effort of scraping snow off my windshield in the freezing cold to look at which parking pass I have. Awesome. Good thing tickets aren't that expensive ($20), and technically I did deserve it. Just somewhat ironic.

I don't think that last paragraph was grammatically all. Oh well, I am tired, and still have to study for a test tomorrow.


At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem in better spirits lately, or maybe that is just your crazy life right now. Parking tickets suck, but $20 isn't too bad. Hopefully we get to see ya on Friday at game night.

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for technical difficulties! And pooh on the parking ticket. I realized the other day that I never put the decal for this semester in my windshield for my UVSC parking pass, but I have yet to get a ticket. I guess UVSC is much more slack on checking passes then BYU.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger jt said...

I got MANY, many a ticket during my student days at BYU. Good luck with finals! I can't believe you'll be a graduate soon. (And the only one to date in our little game group! How pathetic of the rest of us!)


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