Thursday, August 10, 2006

Guilt Free?

I have decided to try and not make myself feel guilty over my blogging habits of late. I can relate to Jessie in that I feel guilt over not blogging. But, I have decided to try and blog guilt free, and do so when I want to without feeling obligated to "catch up." I thank those of you who have endured and still actually check this little corner of the blogging world. I hope I do not disappoint. (: But maybe if I take a fresh approach blogging will feel more like fun again, and not an obligation (on my part - not due to any of you making me feel obligated). Meanwhile, I have always continued to enjoy reading blogs, I just have a hard time sitting down and thinking of something worthwhile to say.

I think I have a little cold, and that's never fun. I am determined to still get up in the morning and at least do something at the gym. This system Jessie and I have worked out truly is awesome.

Was anyone else kinda weirded/freaked out by everything going on in the UK today?


At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are not suffering the guilt anymore- afterall your blog is just that- yours.

I hope you get over the cold and can come tonight- we missed ya last week.

I don't watch the news, so I went online and feel so out of it as far as what is going on. So bad of me- kinda scary though with what I am reading.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Hey this is Charlotte from CO and I wanted to say thank you so much for taking a couple of my boxes back with you--it's greatly appreciated! And yes, the terrorism plot in the UK was a little unnerving. It's like a real life "24" episode.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Jill said...

I've only watched a little bit of the news, but yes it's pretty freaky and make me never want to fly again. It's a hassle and a pain already, but now if we can't take anything liquid onto the flight we're all going to be dehydrated and pissier. Not good.

Sorry about your cold, that's the pits. I'm still coughing now, going on month 3!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger michelle said...

No pressure! That's not what blogging should be about.

Hope you're over your cold now and feeling better.

Yeah, I was kind of freaked out by the foiled terrorist plot. My friend's brother and his wife flew to Japan that day with their 8 month old baby. They wouldn't let them take their baby food on the plane, and it was a 15 hour flight! Yikes. It looks like flying will be a little more difficult now.


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