Thursday, April 17, 2008

That was weird.

So, I stopped over by Lou and Diana's tonight, planning to watch the office. However, Diana ended up getting called in to work a game last minute, but I ended up staying a while and talking with Lou about video games, and then Diana got back so we were all just chatting for a while. The topic of "blacking out" came up, and I mentioned my issue I've had the last few times of getting stomach flu/severe nausea of blacking out.

No joke, like...20 minutes after this conversation, I'm getting ready to head out, and I am suddenly hit with this overwhelming dizziness/feeling like I'm going to pass out. No nausea before or anything, just out of no where. Cold sweat and all. So I sit and chat with Diana while having a glass of juice, until I am feeling back to normal after about 10 minutes. It was just...bizarro.

Who knew that just talking about it could elicit such a strong physical response? ;) Seriously idea why it happened.

That was weird.

So...apologies to Diana (and Lou) for my weird little "sode" there before I left, and thanks for the juice! It actually really helped, so thanks to Lou for the tip!


At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so weird- glad you were with friends instead of alone or something.

My mom used to have the same type of thing- like a year or so ago. It ended up having to do with her blood sugar or something- I can't remember, but all is well now. I hope if it continues that you get it checked out!

At 1:06 AM, Blogger Kris said...

Talk about good (or bad?) timing. Weird! So you should have come over tonight afterall! I was going to hang out with an old roommate but she ended up ditching me on accident. Then I was going to work on sharing time and got caught up in gardening and Oprah....oops, I know. I can be such a loner sometimes! Great blog, though! this is ours (however measly it may be):

At 9:06 AM, Blogger michelle said...

Seriously weird. Perhaps a visit to the doctor is in order? The only time I have ever blacked out was after giving blood once... maybe that's why they give you juice!

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Chrissy Jo said... I gonna have to drag your butt in to see the Carnage while I'm there? Or are you going to go on your own? Madam fainting tummy issues girl.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger charlotte said...

Blacking out is no fun at all--I'm glad you're feeling better!

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Diana said...

That was weird. Have you called your doctor? Go call right now and set an appointment!!!

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Bridget said...

Wow Robin! The mind is a powerful thing! I blacked out once doing sealings in the temple-very embarrassing when I came to!


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