The start of something delicious
This here is a ginormous sugar cookie Mark just took out of the oven. We are making a dessert pizza to take to dinner tonight (with Jessie, Timm, Hannah, and Linc), and it is uberdelicious. Timm, there is caramel involved - but we will leave it off of a portion just for you. Aren't we great friends?
Mark and I only went to Sacrament meeting today - I have been feeling kinda off since last night, a little dizzy and off balance. Oddish. And both of us were kinda feeling in a funk this morning, due in part to our tax situation. So we were bad and ditched out early to take it easy this afternoon. We are really looking forward to dinner tonight too - it's nice to have those sorts of diversions (:
Now Playing: Mark playing Grandia III on PS2
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Sure you're sorry! You suck! I wish I had a ginormous sugar cookie like that to snarf down. Not that I could anyway. YOU SMELL! was oh so tasty with the stuff on top of it. I want more...
Chrissay: You should be jealous. And you are more stinky than me.
Hannah: I'm glad you liked it! I think it is yummy too. (: Let me know if you want the recipe - it's SUPER easy.
Oh, I was sooo paying attention to Mark last night when he gave directions. No worries, I have a good memory for this sort of treat.
DUDE.........You best be giving me the recipe! And no, you are the more stinky one. So there! =P
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